Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Couple of recent ones

Just two pieces I've done in Montreal recently.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

So lazy, so few blog entries.

Just some script I did before leaving on vacation. Right now, hanging out at with the guys at Congress Street Tattoo, and eating at the friendly toast every damned day... Sometimes twice.
Happy birthday to me.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Some Quick Roses

Tattooed these three roses down Ben's whole shin on Sunday, he whimpered like a little girl, but wouldn't let me stop.
Clocked in at 3 hours.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Time tested.

Ryan came up from NY and got this sweet piece. This kid is tough as hell, gets two tattoos on his feet (an owl by me & a rose by Andrew Stortz) a while back, and then comes up to Montreal to get this tattooed on his underarm.
Never complains, sits totally still, and gets the most painful places on his body tattooed.
One day he's going to get something simple like his forearm done and sit for ten hours thinking it's nothing after the pain he's endured.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


So my friend Phil came by with his lady today, they both let me tattoo these cool lil pieces on them. The Boston terrier is pretty obviously their dog. His tattoo however is a little more out there... Dude gets in touch with me a while back, telling me he wants to come in and get 'a zombie shark'. Now, very rarely do I get caught fully off guard by a request, but man, I had no clue how to make a zombie look like one, if it doesn't have knurly lil fingers, or is chewing on a leg or something. Sharks, being free of fingers, and it being nothing out of the ordinary for them to devour a leg, I had to find another way to do it... Hence, some braaaaaains on a fishing hook, and a couple of red veins on his belly and BAM! Zombie shark motherfuckers!
I love my job.
I also finished a big koi I've been working on for a few months, and the pictures look like absolute shit, so Dave, come in when it's healed please.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Huge Cock.

So, I was researching the phoenix for this tattoo I was going to do on Shane, and found out that the phoenix depicted in Japanese artwork (woodblock prints, tattoos, etc), is nothing more than an ornately feathered cock (rooster if you will). So yeah, Now Shane has this gigantic fucking cock on him. I'm pretty sure he's got the biggest cock I've seen recently, as it runs almost the full length of his arm.
You'll have to pardon the photos, despite my absolute hatred of iphone photos, it sure helps when you're a jackass like me, who keeps forgetting memory cards at home.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Shay's Leg

Just a little something I finished today, it seems haven't been doing any one shot tattoos at all lately, so it's nice to finally have something to put up here. I wish I had the patience to wait for a healed shot, so that you could see the thousands of little grey circles on the snake a bit better, but I don't... So here it is.
Maybe if I am feeling particularly productive, I'll put up some photos of in progress stuff one day... Probably not though, I have snowboarding to do.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Just to keep you posted,

So, as I'm sure you've all noticed, I haven't posted anything for a short while. I've been working on a new blog for my painting/artwork, so I've been keeping that off here a little bit. As for tattooing, I do have some larger projects underway, but sadly, if they don't get finished in one shot, they usually don't get posted on here.
So yeah, the wait will be a little longer, hold your horses, go to The Biodome (Michelle & I did yesterday, and it was awesome), do something constructive with your time, and before you know it, I'll have more to show you or complain about. All in due time.
On another note, something that people have been kind of confused about: I have a really bad habit of losing my temper when people text message me about appointments, so, if you are looking to schedule something, confirm something, or just have general questions about anything, feel free to call or e-mail.... Do you text your fucking dentist? Didn't think so.
Just had to get that out in the open.
Thank you, goodnight.

Friday, January 28, 2011

No Tattoo Photos.

So yeah, tattooed a large lettering piece on Juliana today, and then a sick biker 'death angel' on John, neither of which I can show you, because our studio camera has no batteries, and well, I lost the charger. I obviously cannot be trusted with nice things (or so my mom used to tell me when I was a kid), so as a result, you'll just have to take my word for the fact that both pieces came out flawlessly awesome.
I do however have this picture laying around, a painting done for Miguel, a tattooer in the area:

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Older Painting

A lot of people comment on this piece that I've had hung on the studio wall for a while now, so I figured joe public who lurks but doesn't come to the studio, might like to see it too.
On another note, and I stress this every year... If you have large pieces to be finished, you might want to start thinking about booking now, rather than wait until the spring, when ever single person delves into a panic about not having their piece finished for summer. It could mean the difference between a month's wait for an appointment, or three.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Cottage

So, I've spent the past three days out at a house in the middle of nowhere hanging out and painting. Sunday night Andrew came up for two days, and layed down some hilarious paintings with me. Sometimes it helps, when you can't come up with anything interesting to draw, to draw the downright offensive, or politically humorous... Both of which I think we captured with these:
Sadly the photos are taken with an iphone, which, as cool as it may be, tattooers need to learn, take shit pictures.

And I found this one laying around, I did it a while ago, and lost it amongst thousands of saved files I have on my camera.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Save Our Ship

Silvano came in this weekend to get this message in a bottle tattooed on his leg. It was a fun piece, and this guy seriously has a tattoo on him from each and every one of my favourite local artists. I kept joking with him about how 'I hadn't made any mistakes on it yet', and for someone who doesn't know me, he took the jokes really well.
Dude sat there with this unimpressed, blank look on his face that I'd expect from an NFL star watching high school football.... Completely unfazed.

Just because...

Just because I don't ever post pics of him, and he does deserve the fame... Ladies, Gentlemen, ma dawg.

Friday, January 21, 2011


So, the weather here is getting colder, and the trek to work is getting harder every day. It always amazes me that people still manage to come out in this weather, to our quiet little studio, tucked away in the far corner of an old fashioned Montreal office building in a neighborhood of town that not a whole hell of a lot of people want to go to (and in a lot of cases, spend their whole lives living here, without ever going to). But alas, I'm lucky enough to have friends and clients like Ali, who show up in the dead of winter and get tattooed. This is what she ended up with:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sugar Sugar

Now, though I do like doing them, most people ever faced with having to draw a sugar skull know that it's nearly impossible to make them look original, or have them deviate from the formula used by numerous horrible tattooers over the past few years.
Just recently Julian (who also has a girl/rose piece I did a while back) asked me to tattoo one on the inside of his arm, and well, with a piece like that on the outside, I couldn't just stick him with a normal, run of the mill one.... So, here's the end result:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Paint Junks

Sorry for the few days off, I just picked up a Macbook Air (Which is awesome in case anyone cares), and I've been trying to get everything switched over before updating all my photos etc etc.
I've been overworking myself lately, 2 appointments a day, plus drawings at night, is getting to be a bit much. Anyways, the productivity will be posted very soon I promise.
In the meantime, here's an old eagle painting I did for someone down in DC a while back.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Dear America...

Are your kids really so fucking stupid that they can't handle a kinder egg without killing themselves?

Monday, January 10, 2011


So, much to some of your shock, I do actually have other interests than tattooing. Not many mind you, but some.
One of these said interests, is snowboarding. A sport I was once quite good at, and gradually, age, and work, took their toll (Not to mention not having a driver's license).
Buuuut, today, Bromont, to which I hold a season's pass, had almost a foot of fresh snow, and I, Michelle, Andy, and Shamus, were there to enjoy it. I ride a board far too short for these sorts of conditions, but the feeling of launching, without caring how or where you land, is what it's all about.
I'm going to bed now.
Oh yeah, this picture is from New Years Eve, but well, I had to prove that I don't make this shit up.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Girls girls girls

Got to do this piece yesterday, a late Christmas gift from his very generous girlfriend. I really do wish I got to do more girl faces, so seriously, If you want to get a girl tattoo, please get in touch with me!!.
Anyways, this took somewhere around the three hour mark, which is a long time for me, but sometimes the attention to detail is worth showing up for dinner arrangements a little late.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Cookie Monsters & Out of Towners

So, first things first... I just realized people can comment on these things, which is both interesting and confusing to my technological illiteracy.
But really, the reason you are probably reading this, some tattoos I've done:
I was visited by Heather from Massachusetts yesterday, who got this moth tattooed. She made me nervous, both because she has a rad tattoo on her back from Mike Shea, and because in two days, has an appointment to get tattooed by Ian Dana. Both of whom are solid tattooers, and as for me, I just cross my fingers and hope for the best.
Then today, I got to finish this Cookie Monster on Marilyn, and as I'm sure it's no secret, I have a certain fondness for tattooing cartoon/comic/video game characters, so it was a good time, and I'm really happy with how it came out.
In other news, a hobo wearing a top hat pushed ahead of me in line at Tim Horton's while I was waiting for coffee. I was already about to start laughing, when the guy behind me started full on yelling at his woman about 'getting deals on cookies' which full on cracked me up. Who the fuck does that? And who's crazier, that dude, or the entitled hobo in formal attire?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Catching Up.

So, a lot of you have probably seen this stuff already as some of it's been posted on my facebook page but I'll post it anyways. I wish I had a ton of new shit to post, but a lot of stuff (much like this in progress piece) is larger, multi session work that is waiting to be finished.

My Triumphant Return!

So, I'm sure most of you have noticed I took a few months off from this thing. Problem is, I get busy with work, travel, etc etc, and days turn to weeks turn to months, and then I find myself not even wanting to bother because I've missed so much.
Anyways, I did some traveling, went around the continent almost two times in two weeks. Hit Edmonton, Calgary, NY, detoured to Houston for a night (hence the photo of me with a f**king PALM TREE! San Francisco, North Carolina, Pittsburgh and back. It was great
The Alberta trip was rad, flew to Edmonton to see my friends Danny and Shawn at Ink Machine, then my boy (Dan pictured in his corner)& I drove to Calgary to meet up with Bill Byers (the passed out drunk in the photo) and do their tattoo convention. Great weekend, met Gerry Kramer & Cody from Tattoo Zoo in Victoria, and ate veggie dogs at Tubby Dog every single night.
After flying home, Len (pictured coddling the bottle) who has recently moved into the studio with me) and I toured the US for a week, visiting tattoo conventions, and flying all over the place. I think the craziest thing was waking up at one point, having entirely forgotten what plane I was on, where it was going, or what state I might be above.
Either way, the blog is back online, and I'll keep in rolling from here, I promise (kind of).